

(Heavenly Father)
Take this time to refine me
to rebuild, restore
& redesign me.
I thought this summer was going to be about
love. friendship. & laughter.
Little did I know, You had other plans
Plans to flourish Your presence in me
I know I've been weak, Father
But it's Your love that strengthens me
Your friendship is my comfort
& my laughter that brings You joy
God, mold me into who I am.
So that I may walk this new path
To walk by Faith & not by sight
Living each day with a new breath
and fully restoring hope in my heart
To become who You want me to be
and play a small part in a bigger story




You have to have faith
that there is a reason
you go through certain things
I can't say that I am glad to go through pain
but in a way, one must, in order to
gain courage & really feel joy.


This summer

is about

l e a r n i n g

who we are in order to

d i s c o v e r

who we're meant to be


Huge waves that would frighten an ordinary swimmer produce a tremendous thrill for the surfer who has ridden them... the things we try to avoid and fight against- tribulation, suffering and persecution- are the very things that produce abundant joy in us.
Oswald Chambers.


Keep singing.

& though the storms may come
I am holding on
to the rock I cling

I can do all things
through him who
strengthens me.
-Philippians 4:13

I will praise You in this storm

[Dear God]
I know You
are with me
through this
I promise to do all I can to surrender every thought
every pain in my heart, Father, and give it all to You.
Because I know You will take care of me.
Lord, I promise to let You
carry me through.
To walk beside me,
when I feel alone.
I know You see
every tear shed.
& I know You will
answer my cry.
I promise to
trust in You.
In every plan
You have for me.
I know You have me
in the palm
of Your hand.
I'll praise you in this storm.
I'll keep my eyes fixed upon You.
But I cannot do this alone.


My prayer

Unable to sleep, I closed my eyes
I layed my head down to clear my mind
Music seranading my heart to sleep
The words echo my heart so deep
My eyes welt with tears
I fought them away
I whispered to my God
and softly prayed:
"Father please be with me
I can't do this all alone
Fill the emptiness in my heart
God please make me whole
And if I start to lose my way
Don't let me be afraid
For I know You are here
and aren't the one going away"
God, may I also say a prayer for him too
That his heart may find peace from You
May his path of brokenness be found
Please heal the pain that has him bound
Carry him through when I can't be there
As I lift him up in continuous prayer
Cease his confusion in his mind
God please protect us both through this time
[for you, janu]


Even in darkness
I cannot hide from You.
-Psalm 139:12
Please be with me, Father
I cannot do this without You.