

Something very scary just happened to me and I want everybody to read this. Let me put this into perspective, I'm about 5'3" and weigh 129 pounds. Most of that weight is muscle, and fat in my butt ;] I eat the right amount of food. Sometimes too much but I work out a lot. Lately not as much as usual. Anyway, I was lying in my bed this morning and all of a sudden I got this really sharp pain right by my heart. I felt like I was getting stabbed in the heart. It lasted for about 15 seconds. My thoughts were racing and I was trying to breathe heavy to get it to go away and I thought I was going to die. And this is the part that applies to every single one of you. I've tried to take my life before, I've wanted to die so many times in my life, but when I felt like something was going to kill me without my control, all of those thoughts stopped. In my mind I was begging I would be okay. No matter how much you hate the world, no matter how much you hate yourself, there are answers that are better than death. Believe me. There are people that would be a wreck if you were gone. There is a reason we are all on this Earth, I promise you, even if you don't see it now. "And if you're feeling alone, know that the world could be a lonley place, but it would be lonelier without you in it."
- Hayley Williams


You saw me start to
b e l i e v e
for the first time



"if you can learn to laugh*
in spite of circumstances
that surround you,
you will enrich yourself
& more than that
you will enrich others."



(Heavenly Father)
Take this time to refine me
to rebuild, restore
& redesign me.
I thought this summer was going to be about
love. friendship. & laughter.
Little did I know, You had other plans
Plans to flourish Your presence in me
I know I've been weak, Father
But it's Your love that strengthens me
Your friendship is my comfort
& my laughter that brings You joy
God, mold me into who I am.
So that I may walk this new path
To walk by Faith & not by sight
Living each day with a new breath
and fully restoring hope in my heart
To become who You want me to be
and play a small part in a bigger story




You have to have faith
that there is a reason
you go through certain things
I can't say that I am glad to go through pain
but in a way, one must, in order to
gain courage & really feel joy.


This summer

is about

l e a r n i n g

who we are in order to

d i s c o v e r

who we're meant to be