
Spring Break 2008 !

I miss you ALL so much !

TWLOHA Spring Break Interns
March 24th - 29th 2008.

Kimmy. Sue. Betsy. Gabi. Brittny. Sarah. Morgan. Monica. Mary-Ellen. Heidi. Elizabeth. Cynthia. Becca. Sophie. Whitney. John-Paul. & a shout out to Versa Emerge ! :)

"I know one day, all our scars will disappear, like the stars at dawn, and all of our pain, will fade away when morning comes and on that day when we look backwards we will see that everything has changed and all of our trials will be as milestones on the way and as long as we live, every scar is a bridge to someone's broken heart."


M&M's c:

[ y e l l o w ]

[ b l u e ]

[ b r o w n ]

I l o v e t h e s e g i r l s <3


Relay for Life !

Are you interested in contributing a donation to help further Cancer research ? If so - PLEASE let me know ! I'm doing a walk June 6th-7th called Relay for Life to help raise funds and help find a cure.

Relay for Life is a life-altering event that joins together millions of people all for the same cause. We come together and celebrate the lives of those who have battled with Cancer, enhance the strength of those still fighting & remember our loved ones lost to the disease. It's an amazing event that promotes awareness in your community. We're fighting back for an end to this illness.

Why will I Relay ?
One in three people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. The funds we raise at Relay contribute in saving lives by funding new cancer research to help cure this destructive disease. I've lost a few people to Cancer, and I'm fighting back for a cure !

There is no required amount (or pressure) in donating, if you feel led to give, God bless you ! Any one can make a difference. Nowhere is that more true than with the story of the American Cancer Society Relay For Life.

If it's in your heart to fight back with me, feel free to contact me via email: Fa1thfully4giv3n@aol.com
or you can donate directly to my team: "On Eagle's Wings" on www.relayforlife.org

Fighting for the cure; On Eagle's Wings.
"But the people who trust the Lord will become strong again. They will rise up as an Eagle in the sky; they will run and not need rest; they will walk and not become tired." - Isaiah 40:31 <3


SHD @ The Wave.

[ www.myspace.com/sweethollowdrive ]
c h e c k o u t m y g o o d f r i e n d s :)
they're well worth it !