
Chuck Norris

Ok, ok. I admit it, I used to watch Walker Texas Ranger as a kid, don't
lie - you did too ! I love Chuck Norris & I think that his facts are
absolutely hilarious ! I can't help but read them. My friends and I sat
around for hours reading them and hysterically laughing. See for
yourself. Google: Chuck Norris facts. Enjoy :)

"If you spell Chuck Norris wrong on Google it doesn't say, "Did you mean
Chuck Norris?" It simply replies, "Run while you still have the chance."


You're Beautiful.

"You bled and then You died and then You rose again for me..." <3


Resurrection Day !

Dear Father God,

I am so very blessed with Your love and I thank you for all you have given me. Faith, family & friends. Lord, I pray that everyone has a glorious day to share with You, Father. That the weather is beautiful and still so that we may feel the presence of You. I pray for family and friends near and far to be joyous and loved on this Sunday. Lord God, I pray for Will and Darien, may they have your guidance and protection on their trip to Kenya. Place your hand over them and bestow Your love and wisdom on their hearts. Lord I pray the people of Kenya are overwhelmed with Your presence, open up their minds and hearts to You, Jesus. I pray they continue to live through Your word after our friends depart them. God, I thank You so much for giving me Jason and showing me Your love through him. He has been such a beautiful blessing in my life that I am beyond grateful for. Father God, please guide him through the paths he stumbles upon, keep his heart open to You so he may fully know the love You, Saviour have for him. Please give comfort to his family as they are drawing near to holidays and anniversaries once shared with Your son, John. I pray their cries are silenced with peace and happy memories and are reminded that he is in Your care and watches over them. Lord, I pray for the struggles my family faces in the upcoming months and I pray for strength what may come of it. God I know Your will is in store for us, Father I just pray we get through this together.

In Your Holy name, I pray. Amen.